Harry Gamboa, Jr.
Harry Gamboa, Jr. is a Chicano essayist, director, photographer, and performance artist who has been actively creating works in various media/forms that document and interpret the contemporary urban Chicano experience since 1972. He co-founded ASCO, a conceptual-performance art group in East Los Angeles, where he collaborated on art works with Gronk, Patssi Valdez, and Willie Herrón; more recently he founded Virtual Vérité, an ensemble performance troupe.
Gamboa's most recent books are Aztlángst: La La Fotonovela (Volume 1, 2011), Pix (2011), Fallen (2010), and Rider(2009). He has also published fiction, including the story collection Xoloitzcuintli Doppelganger (2018). His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, and has been published in dozens of newspapers and journals.
Gamboa’s recent awards include a Rockefeller Humanities Fellowship, and Durfee Artist Award, and the Flintridge Foundation Visual Artist Award. He is a member of the faculty at California Institute of the Arts and lectures at CSU Northridge. He has also taught at many art institutions and universities within the University of California system.