Heidy Steidlmayer

Image of Heidy Steidlmayer
Luke Cheng

Heidy Steidlmayer is the author of the poetry collection Fowling Piece (Northwestern University Press, 2012), which received the John C. Zacharis Award from Ploughshares and the Kate Tufts Discovery Award. Her poems have appeared in Poetry, TriQuarterly, PloughsharesThe Cortland Review, Literary Imagination, and Michigan Quarterly Review, among others, and in Poems, Poets, Poetry: An Introduction and Anthology, by Helen Vendler (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2002). Of Steidlmayer’s work Christian Wiman has written, “She is a remarkable poet (who) writes poems of great compactness and density, as technically accomplished as they are emotionally devastating. This is an age of irony and sprawl, and she's going – bravely and with great success – her own way. People may not know much about her work now, but they will soon.” Steidlmayer has been awarded the J. Howard and Barbara M.J. Wood Prize from Poetry magazine and a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award.