Julian Stannard

Image of Julian Stannard

Julian Stannard is the author of Rina's War (Peterloo Poets, 2001), The Red Zone (Peterloo Poets, 2007), The Parrots of  Villa Gruber Discover Lapis Lazuli (Salmon Poetry, 2011), The Street of  Perfect Love (Worple Press, 2014), What were you thinking? (CB  Editions, 2016), Sottoripa: Genoese Poems (Canneto Editore, 2018), Average is the New Fantastico (Green Bottle Press, 2019), and Heat Wave (Salt, 2020).

Stannard's study of Basil Bunting was published by the Liverpool University Press (2014). He is a Reader in English and Creative Writing at the University of Winchester (UK).