Kathryn Kirkpatrick
Poet and scholar Kathryn Kirkpatrick was born in Columbia, South Carolina, and grew up in Texas, Germany, and the Philippines. She holds degrees from Winthrop University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Emory University, where she earned a PhD in interdisciplinary studies. Kirkpatrick’s careful narrative poems investigate the conditions of the body and the environment. Her collections of poetry include Our Held Animal Breath (2012); Unaccountable Weather (2011); Out of the Garden (2007); Beyond Reason (2004), which won the Roanoke-Chowan Award for Poetry; and The Body’s Horizon (1996), which Alicia Ostriker selected for the Brockman-Campbell Award. Kirkpatrick’s chapbooks include Looking for Ceilidh (2004) and The Master’s Wife (2004).
Kirkpatrick holds a dual appointment at Appalachian State University in the English Department and the Sustainable Development Program. She is editor of the collection of essays Border Crossings: Irish Women Writers and National Identities (2000). Her scholarly work focuses on both Irish and Scots literature and environmental humanities. She lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband, scholar William Atkinson.
Kirkpatrick holds a dual appointment at Appalachian State University in the English Department and the Sustainable Development Program. She is editor of the collection of essays Border Crossings: Irish Women Writers and National Identities (2000). Her scholarly work focuses on both Irish and Scots literature and environmental humanities. She lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband, scholar William Atkinson.