Kyle Harvey
Kyle Harvey is a poet, filmmaker, photographer, and musician. His book Hyacinth (Lithic Press, 2013) was a finalist for the Colorado Book Award, and he is a winner of the Mark Fischer Poetry Prize. Harvey’s work has appeared in A Dozen Nothing, American Life in Poetry, Entropy, Heavy Feather Review, Pilgrimage, Poems-For-All, SHAMPOO, Think Journal, the Wallace Stevens Journal, and elsewhere. His first full-length collection, Cosmographies, was published by Cuneiform Press in 2022. In 2020, Harvey published Coolidge & Cherkovski: In Conversation (Lithic Press) and premiered his documentary It's Nice to Be with You Always: A Film About Neeli Cherkovski at the Omaha Film Festival. He is currently editing and compiling the selected works of Neeli Cherkovski and designing books for Lithic Press.