Isaac Jarnot
Isaac Jarnot (he/him) was born in Buffalo, New York, and educated at the University at Buffalo. He is the author of several collections of poetry, including Some Other Kind of Mission (Burning Deck, 1996), Ring of Fire (Zoland Books, 2001), Black Dog Songs (Flood Editions, 2003), Night Scenes (Flood Editions, 2008), Joie De Vivre: Selected Poems 1992–2012 (City Lights Publishers, 2013), and A Princess Magic Presto Spell (Flood Editions, 2019), along with Four Lectures (Wave Books, 2024) from the Bagley Wright Lecture Series. He coedited An Anthology of New (American) Poets (Talisman House, 1998), and is the author of Robert Duncan, The Ambassador from Venus, a biography (University of California Press, 2012).
Jarnot has been a visiting professor at Naropa University, Brooklyn College, and the University of Colorado, Boulder. He lives in Jackson Heights, Queens. He earned a masters of divinity from New York Theological Seminary, is a PhD student in theology at Drew University, and is a minister at Safe Haven United Church of Christ.