Lynne Knight

Lynne Knight has published six chapbooks and six full-length collections, including The Language of Forgetting (Sixteen Rivers Press, 2018) and The Persistence of Longing (Terrapin Books, 2016). Her work has appeared in Poetry magazine, The Southern Review, and Best American Poetry 2000. Her awards and honors include a Prix de l’Alliance Française, a PSA Lucille Medwick Memorial Award, a Rattle Poetry Prize, and a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. She co-translated Je sais (Sixteen Rivers Press, 2013) with the author Ito Naga.

Knight was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and raised in Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York. She graduated from the University of Michigan, where she won two Hopwood awards, and from Syracuse University, where she was a fellow in poetry. After spending most of her life in the United States, she now lives in a hamlet on Vancouver Island.