Image of Martha Greenwald
Martha Greenwald was born in Red Bank, New Jersey.  She earned a BA at Brandeis University and an MFA at Iowa State as a Pearl Hogrefe Fellow, and she was a Wallace Stegner Fellow in creative writing at Stanford University. She is the author of Other Prohibited Items, which won the Mississippi Review Prize for Poetry 2010.
Other Prohibited Items focuses on what is banned in American daily life, post 9/11—physical objects, but also the meanderings of the subconscious, the sense that ghost narratives can locate beauty lost in chaos. As reviewer Matthew Ladd noted in West Branch, “ . . . the words are so surprisingly musical: tonal but dissonant, so much so that they seem only barely anchored to the meaning of the phrase they create. They exemplify, in Frost’s famous dictum ‘language under pressure,’ if not to the highest degree, then at least to a degree higher than one usually encounters in narrative poetry.”
Her poems have appeared in many journals including Poetry, Best New Poets 2008, MARGIE, Slate, the Threepenny Review, the Sycamore Review and Shenandoah. She has received fellowships from the arts councils of North Carolina and Kentucky.