Miguel Marzana

Courtesy of the poet

Bolivian writer Miguel Marzana is the author of the poetry collection Descomposiciones – aceite de un cielo (Verso Destierro, Mexico City, 2019). His work has been published in short story and poetry anthologies, including Poet in New York: Poetas de Tierra y Luna (Karima Editora), and Eterno: Antología Hispanoamericana de Cuento sobre Amor (Infinita Ed.); as well as in print magazines such as Diálogo (Center for Latino Research at DePaul University). He has also published poetry and short stories in online magazines inside and outside the US; some of his work has been translated into English, Quechua, and Catalán.

Marzana lives in Chicago, where he studies at the Graham School of the University of Chicago, coordinates the poetry and creative writing workshops of Contratiempo magazine, and serves on Contratiempo’s editorial board.