Nancy Kuhl

Curator of poetry for the Yale Collection of American Literature at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University, Kuhl earned an MA in English literature from Ohio University, a MFA in poetry from Ohio State University, and an MLS from SUNY Buffalo in 2000. She is author of the collections The Wife of the Left Hand (2007) and Suspend (2010), as well as the chapbooks In the Arbor (1997), winner of the Tom Wick Poetry Chapbook Prize, and The Nocturnal Factory (2008).

Kuhl’s poetry explores the domestic and particular lives of women; in The Wife of the Left Hand, her subjects include nameless women and well-known figures such as Salome and Amelia Earhart. James Berger, reviewing the collection for Rain Taxi, observed that “the most overt theme of the poems is the constriction of social forms and conventions, how desire is repressed and re-channeled into forms that are detached yet expressive.”

Kuhl is coeditor, with her husband, Richard Deming, of Phylum Press, which publishes pamphlets and chapbooks of poetry.