Orlando White

Photo of poet Orlando White.
Photo courtesy of the author.

Poet Orlando White is from Tólikan, Arizona. He is Diné of the Naaneesht’ézhi Tábaahí and born for the Naakai Diné’e. White earned a BFA from the Institute of American Indian Arts and an MFA from Brown University. He is the author of LETTERRS (2015) and Bone Light (2009), a collection of poems Kazim Ali described as a “careful excavation on language and letters and the physical body.” White’s work has appeared in such journals as Ploughshares, the Kenyon Review, Salt Hill, and elsewhere. The recipient of a residency from the Lannan Foundation, White teaches at Diné College in Tsaile, Arizona, and in the low-residency MFA program in creative writing at the Institute of American Indian Arts.