Philip Raisor

Philip Raisor grew up in Muncie, Indiana, and was a serious basketball player through college. He earned his BA and MA from Louisiana State University and his PhD from Kent State University.

He is the author of three books of poetry, That Naked Country (Standing Stone Books, 2019), Headhunting and Other Sports Poems (WordTech, 2016), and Swimming in the Shallow End (Turning Point, 2013), as well as the chapbooks Early Morning Koffee Klatch at the Egg ‘n Hash Sitdown (Turning Point, 2019), In the Instant After (Presa Press, 2018), and Hoosiers: The Poems, (Palooka Press, 2013). His poetry has appeared in numerous journals, including the Sewanee Review, Prairie Schooner, and Tar River Poetry. He is the author of a memoir, Outside Shooter (University of Missouri Press, 2003), and the editor of Tuned and Under Tension: The Recent Poetry of W. D. Snodgrass (University of Delaware Press, 1999).

Raisor is professor emeritus of English at Old Dominion University, where he initiated the creative writing program. He lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia.