B. 1981
Headshot of Sean Forbes.
Photo by Kayla Simon

Sean Frederick Forbes (he/him) has published poetry in Chagrin River Review, Sargasso, Crab Orchard Review, Long River Review, the Academy of American Poets’s Poem-a-Day, and other publications. His first book of poetry, Providencia, was published in 2013 by 2Leaf Press. In 2009, he received a Woodrow Wilson Mellon Mays University Fellows Travel and Research Grant for travel to Providencia, Colombia. In 2017, he won first place in the Nutmeg Poetry Contest from the Connecticut Poetry Society. He was an Andrew W. Mellon Faculty Fellow at the UConn Humanities Institute from 2020-2021. He is associate professor-in-residence of English and the director of the creative writing program at the University of Connecticut-Storrs as well as a summer instructor for the Yale Young Writers Workshop at Yale University. He serves as the poetry editor for New Square, the official publication of the Sancho Panza Literary Society, of which he is a founding member.