Seymour Mayne

Seymour Mayne is the author, editor, or translator of more than 70 books. His latest collections include the bilingual editions of his word sonnets, Reflejos: Sonetos de una palabra, published in Spanish; Ricochet: Word Sonnets (Sonnets d’un mot), rendered into French; and Auspicious Calligraphy: Word Sonnets (Caligrafomanție: Sonete într-un cuvânt), translated into Romanian. On the Cusp: Word Sonnets (Albores: Sonetos de una palabra/ À l’orée: Sonnets d’un mot) also appeared in a trilingual edition in Latin America.
The publication of his most recent book of poetry, Cusp: Word Sonnets, marks 50 years since his first collection of poetry appeared in Montreal.
As the leading international innovator of the word sonnet, he has given readings and lectured widely in Canada and abroad on this unique new ‘miniature’ form. He is professor of Canadian literature, Canadian studies, and creative writing at the University of Ottawa.
A longtime resident of Ottawa, he has helped sustain the national capital literary and artistic community over the past four decades.