Stephanie Young

Stephanie Young lives in Oakland, California. Her collections of poetry include Telling the Future Off (2005), Picture Palace (2008), and Ursula or University (2013). She edited the anthology Bay Poetics (2006) and is a founding editor of the online anthology/“museum” of Oakland, Deep Oakland. Young and poet Juliana Spahr coedited the book A Megaphone: Some Enactments, Some Numbers, and Some Essays about the Continued Usefulness of Crotchless-pants-and-a-machine-gun Feminism (2012), a collection of “enactments” investigating politics, feminism, and collaborative poetry practice that the pair performed between 2005 and 2007.
Young’s own work engages communities of all kinds, as well as cross-genre and hybrid writing, performance, and new media. According to T.C. Marshall, Young’s poetry “works with feeling, fact, and militant action and reflection.” Young teaches at Mills College, where she is also the Graduate Programs director.