Tomasz Różycki

Tomasz Różycki is the author of over a dozen books of poetry and prose, including Ręka pszczelarza(approximately titled “Beekeeper’s Hand”; Znak, 2022), winner of the 2023 Wisława Szymborska Prize; the essay collection Próba ognia. Błędna kartografia Europy (approximately translated “Trial by Fire: An Erroneous Cartography of Europe”;Austeria, 2020), which won an Ambassador of New Europe award; and his book-length epic Twelve Stations (translated by Bill Johnston, Zephyr Press, 2015), the Polish version of which won the 2004 Kościelski Foundation Prize.
He has garnered many prizes in his native Poland. But recognition of his work has also extended to translations of his books, including Colonies (translated by Mira Rosenthal, Zephyr Press, 2011), which won the 2014 Northern California Book Award for Translation and was a finalist in the same year for the International Griffin Poetry Prize and the Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize. Other English translations of his work include To the Letter (translated by Mira Rosenthal, Archipelago Books, 2024) and The Forgotten Keys (translated by Mira Rosenthal, Zephyr Press, 2007). His work appears regularly in places like The New York Review of Books, Guernica, The Kenyon Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Copper Nickel, Tupelo Quarterly, and Asymptote.
He teaches at Opole University.