Harriet: News & Community

A literary blog about poetry and related news

Showing 1-20 of 3,630 blog posts
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    Last month, the one-year anniversary of 11-11-11 passed through without much fanfare. This Wednesday, we celebrated December 12, 2012, or 12-12-12, and the last time...
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    If the top five looks familiar on this week’s contemporary best sellers list, that’s because we’ve had no movement in the gold, silver, and bronze positions. Topping...
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    The life of a published poet may sound romantic to outsiders, with the exquisite sensitivity, the marginal fame, and the enhanced dating prospects those things entail...
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    Still holding strong at #1 on the contemporary best sellers list this week is Mary Oliver’s A Thousand Mornings. Jack Gilbert’s Collected Poems moves by leaps and bounds to #2, up from ...
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    It’s the end of the last week of November and nearly the end of 2012, which means it’s a fine time to start celebrating our victories, mourning our losses, and making...
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    On this week’s contemporary best sellers list Mary Oliver bookends the top five with A Thousand Mornings at the top position and Swan coming in at #5. Louise Glück’s Poems 1962-2012 moves...
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    It’s getting chilly here in the glorious American Midwest, but before the gloom of winter descends, we have vowed to take a few more spry jaunts, catch a few more readings...
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    Once again, Mary Oliver’s A Thousand Mornings claims the top spot on this week’s contemporary best sellers list. Following Oliver at #2 is Mark Doty with Fire to Fire, while Billy Collins...
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    We here at Harriet HQ like to think of ourselves as givers. This week, along with the usual news and views, we kicked down generous archives of outside reading material...
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    For the forth week in a row, Mary Oliver’s A Thousand Mornings claims the top spot on this week’s contemporary best sellers list. Following Oliver is Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s latest...
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    As we fly bravely into the future, we’re checking a lot of baggage. This week, we buried the dead, recollected in tranquility, and mulled over the minutia of the past...
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    Mary Oliver is still at the top of this week’s contemporary best-seller list with A Thousand Mornings. Entering the list in the #2 slot is Shana Youngdahl with History, Advice...
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    Last week, we were starting to get our act together. As we perused this week’s frightening headlines, that all went down the toilet, along with several years of therapy...
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    Mary Oliver holds on to the top spot on this week’s contemporary best-seller list with her latest, A Thousand Mornings. The #3 spot also belongs to Oliver with her long-standing...
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    With Halloween right around the corner, the folks at POETRCRUSH are getting down right creepy. No really, I mean, really really creepy! Check out their marvelous list: 12 Dead...
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    What does it take to unseat Natasha Trethewey from the top position on the contemporary best-seller list? Answer: A Thousand Mornings, Mary Oliver’s latest, which has skyrocketed...
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    When poets have feelings, it’s pretty much a dog-bites-man story. But sometimes we get so caught up in the petty, gossipy details of the poetry sphere that we ignore...
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    Natasha Trethewey cannot be shaken from the #1 place on this week’s contemporary best-sellers list, even when her fellow top-five neighbors are swept from the stables...
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    This week, as part of our ongoing quest to stay youthful, your intrepid poetry reporters endeavored to think like scientists, move beyond our comfort zones, and get ...
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    Trethewey, Collins, and Smith are still rocking the top three spots on this week’s contemporary best-sellers list. Last week Mark Strand’s Almost Invisible disappeared from the...