From this Issue
chapter viii
Tired I walk toward everything except fear
over seaweed-covered rocks
I think that someday some new women
will be allowed to see each other happy
happy more than usual
I looked in all the other open rooms of my heart
A vague fear obscured...
Tired I walk toward everything except fear
over seaweed-covered rocks
I think that someday some new women
will be allowed to see each other happy
happy more than usual
I looked in all the other open rooms of my heart
A vague fear obscured...
Apá, dying is boring. To pass las horas,
I carve
our last name
all over my body.
I try to recall the taste of Pablo’s sweat.
Whiskey, no.
Wet dirt, sí.
I stuff English
into my mouth, spit out chingaderas.
Have it your way.
Home of the Whopper.
for the border....
I carve
our last name
all over my body.
I try to recall the taste of Pablo’s sweat.
Whiskey, no.
Wet dirt, sí.
I stuff English
into my mouth, spit out chingaderas.
Have it your way.
Home of the Whopper.
for the border....
What you need will come to you at the right time says the tarot card I overturned at my friend Nathalie’s house one evening. I was wondering if she said something worth hearing, What? I’m looking at her face, trying...

Table of Contents
- Chase Berggrun
- Eduardo C. Corral
- Raymond Antrobus
- Bernadette Mayer
- Philip Good, Bernadette Mayer
- Jenny Xie
- D. A. Powell
- Matthew Dickman
- Noah Baldino
visual poems
- Kristen Renee Miller
- Kinga Tóth
- Joel Lipman
- Dora Malech
from the poetry review
- A. K. Blakemore
- Jack Underwood
- Vahni Capildeo