Cover of Poetry Magazine May 2019 Issue.

May 2019

  • Shane McCrae
  • Ariana Reines
  • Philip Metres
  • Catherine Wagner
  • T.J. Jarrett
Table of Contents

From this Issue

the city has sex with megan

 when the air shaped like the inverse of Megan
accepts Megan as she moves.

    If Megan is a system of exchange
that floats her labor and her point

  of view in vapor/liquid soup
passàging through her valves



Marcus Aurelius

Sometimes I wake up in the night
with a terrible headache, my mouth
blackened; a ghost looking for valuables
in the debris, I turn on a battery-powered
light, clipped to a book, I write things down
in the spirit of Marcus Aurelius
who said the finest...



See, now You are finally offstage where we can talk.

I can’t see through the drapes and pulleys, it’s too dark
for me to turn them into moss and oaks, too dark

for me to blink wooden risers into a bayou beautiful
in near...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March