February 2001
Giovanni Battista Palatino, from </em>Libro nuovo d'imparare a scrivere<em>, Rome 1540.- Pierre Martory
- Robert Shaw
- Henry Carlile
- Elizabeth Curry
- Susan Donnelly
From this Issue
Thank you but
not just at the moment
I know you will say
I have said that before
I know you have been
there all along somewhere
in another time zone
I studied once
those beautiful instructions
not just at the moment
I know you will say
I have said that before
I know you have been
there all along somewhere
in another time zone
I studied once
those beautiful instructions

Table of Contents
- W. S. Merwin
- Hugh Seidman
- Sandra M. Gilbert
- Henry Carlile
- Pierre Martory
- J. Allyn Rosser
- Susan Donnelly
- Robert A. Fink
- A.E. Stallings
- Myrna Stone
- Heidy Steidlmayer
- Jane Yeh
- Richard Katrovas
- Elizabeth Curry
- Charlie Smith
- David Livewell
- David Yezzi
- Robert B. Shaw