From this Issue
Someone says Tristan
& Isolde, the shared cup
& broken vows binding them,
& someone else says Romeo
& Juliet, a lyre & Jew’s harp
sighing a forbidden oath,
but I say a midnight horn
& a voice with a moody angel
inside, the two married rib
to rib,...
& Isolde, the shared cup
& broken vows binding them,
& someone else says Romeo
& Juliet, a lyre & Jew’s harp
sighing a forbidden oath,
but I say a midnight horn
& a voice with a moody angel
inside, the two married rib
to rib,...

Table of Contents
- Craig Arnold
- Yusef Komunyakaa
- Wendy Cope
- Robert Bly
- Atsuro Riley
- David Yezzi
- Wendy Videlock
- Jennifer Tonge
- Mary Oliver
- Jane Hirshfield
- Elaine Sexton
- Ethan Stebbins
- Joshua Beckman
- Louise Glück
- Mary Kinzie
- Vivian Gornick
- John Lee Clark
- Brenda Wineapple
- Tom Sleigh
- Lawrence Joseph
- David Alpaugh
- Daniel D'Arezzo
- Joshua Weiner
- Belle Randall
- The Editors
- Franz Wright
- David Alpaugh
- Craig Arnold
- Joshua Beckman
- Robert Bly
- John Lee Clark
- Wendy Cope
- Daniel D'Arezzo
- The Editors
- Louise Glück
- Vivian Gornick
- Jane Hirshfield
- Lawrence Joseph
- Mary Kinzie
- Yusef Komunyakaa
- Mary Oliver
- Belle Randall
- Atsuro Riley
- Elaine Sexton
- Tom Sleigh
- Ethan Stebbins
- Jennifer Tonge
- Wendy Videlock
- Joshua Weiner
- Brenda Wineapple
- Franz Wright
- David Yezzi