POETRY Magazine cover of June 2007 issue, featuring drawing "I Am a Dog" by Barry Falls

June 2007

Barry Falls, "I Am a Dog," 2006.
  • Frank Bidart
  • Roddy Lumsden
  • Mary Jo Bang
  • Guy Goffette
  • Ange Mlinko
Table of Contents

From this Issue




Before the sky shook loose that night
and the snow came, this terrible word

had passed my lips two times; first
when we saw a snail nosing along the lip

of the car-park. Cute! I clipped it
with my Chinese leather slip-on

then tapped...


You Were You Are Elegy

Fragile like a child is fragile.
Destined not to be forever.
Destined to become other
To mother. Here I am
Sitting on a chair, thinking
About you. Thinking
About how it was
To talk to you.
How sometimes it was wonderful...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March