Image of poetry foundation cover January 2013

January 2013

Eric Hanson, "Power Cord," 2010
  • Sara Miller
  • Brad Leithauser
  • Barbara Hamby
  • Fanny Howe
  • Julian Stannard
Table of Contents

From this Issue

The evidence was in and it went to the contrary.
The contrary wound around us rather like a river.
The river reacted, spider-like, tangling up its legs
with other wet parts we thought we knew,
such as creeks and fjords and deltas and such.

There must be a Russian word to describe what has happened
              between us, like ostyt, which can be used
for a cup of  tea that is too hot, but after you walk to the next room,
              and return, it is too...
There was a vase
that held the world’s riches, but it wasn’t cheap.
It cost a dime — and this in a time and place

when dimes were sizable, especially for
a girl of eight whose construction-worker father
was unemployed. The old metaphor

was literal in this case...
Holiday Special tote and gift of Poetry Magazine

Table of Contents

Letters to the Editor
Holiday Special gift tote and Poetry bundle