Image of poetry foundation cover January 2013

January 2013

Eric Hanson, "Power Cord," 2010
  • Sara Miller
  • Brad Leithauser
  • Barbara Hamby
  • Fanny Howe
  • Julian Stannard
Table of Contents

From this Issue




The evidence was in and it went to the contrary.
The contrary wound around us rather like a river.
The river reacted, spider-like, tangling up its legs
with other wet parts we thought we knew,
such as creeks and fjords and deltas and such.

There must be a Russian word to describe what has happened
              between us, like ostyt, which can be used
for a cup of  tea that is too hot, but after you walk to the next room,
              and return, it is too...


A Vase

There was a vase
that held the world’s riches, but it wasn’t cheap.
It cost a dime — and this in a time and place

when dimes were sizable, especially for
a girl of eight whose construction-worker father
was unemployed. The old metaphor

was literal in this case...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Letters to the Editor
Square R3 March