From this Issue
At the mention of Gerard Manley Hopkins, my mild-mannered father
— tender, abstracted — would exercise the right
to revert to type. That is to say: devout; that is, proscriptive. He would rather
we did not so bandy the good Jesuit’s name about
in talk of “gay...
— tender, abstracted — would exercise the right
to revert to type. That is to say: devout; that is, proscriptive. He would rather
we did not so bandy the good Jesuit’s name about
in talk of “gay...
The baby sleeps.
Sunlight plays upon my lap, through doily leaves a black lab comes,
a scotty goes, the day wears on, the baby wakes.
The good birds sing,
invisible or seldom seen, in hidden kingdoms, grateful for the in-
between. The baby sleeps. Elsewhere...
Sunlight plays upon my lap, through doily leaves a black lab comes,
a scotty goes, the day wears on, the baby wakes.
The good birds sing,
invisible or seldom seen, in hidden kingdoms, grateful for the in-
between. The baby sleeps. Elsewhere...

Table of Contents
from The Poetry Review
- Don Share
- Leontia Flynn
- Kathryn Simmonds
- Mir Mahfuz Ali
- Colette Bryce
- Liz Berry
- Ruby Robinson
- Matthew Francis
- Julian Stannard
- Hugo Williams
- Caleb Klaces
- Hannah Lowe
- Claire Trévien
- Tim Wells
- John Wilkinson
- Pascale Petit
- David Harsent
- James Brookes
- Rory Waterman
- Sophie Collins
- Martin Monahan
- Sam Riviere
- Frances Leviston
- Toby Martinez de las Rivas
- Amy Key
- David Wheatley
- Kathryn Maris
- John Greening
- Colette Bryce
- Todd Swift
- Mir Mahfuz Ali
- Liz Berry
- James Brookes
- Colette Bryce
- Sophie Collins
- Leontia Flynn
- Matthew Francis
- John Greening
- David Harsent
- Amy Key
- Caleb Klaces
- Frances Leviston
- Hannah Lowe
- Kathryn Maris
- Toby Martinez de las Rivas
- Martin Monahan
- Pascale Petit
- Sam Riviere
- Ruby Robinson
- Don Share
- Kathryn Simmonds
- Julian Stannard
- Todd Swift
- Claire Trévien
- Rory Waterman
- Tim Wells
- David Wheatley
- John Wilkinson
- Hugo Williams