Image of poetry magazine cover November 2014

November 2014

Lise Haller Baggesen, “Entanglement Practice,” 2011
  • Ilya Kutik
  • Lev Oborin
  • Dafydd Gwilym
  • Shuzo Takiguchi
  • Bertolt Brecht
Table of Contents

From this Issue



Sea Sickness

Translated By Reginald Gibbons
What’s left of my battles and my turmoil
is in my seaside cabin: this roiling air.
And yet it’s what’s outside that makes me shiver.
Not the ocean coldness — something heavier.

Hot black tea might help — it revives.
Two kinds of glass are at hand for my...
Translated By John William Narins
Mr. President! The monsoon season is approaching.
This raises the question: What steps are planned
to ensure the timely gathering of the harvest
and to prevent farms from being inundated
along the floodplains of the Amazon river?

Mr. President! I just wanted to express how...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March