Wingston González

Born in Livingston, Guatemala, Wingston González is a writer and member of the literary collective La Retaguardia. His poetry collection Translaciones (Editorial Cultura, 2015) was awarded the Luis Cardoza y Aragón Mesoamerican Poetry Prize.
González’s published works include san juan – la esperanza (approximately translated as “Saint John — the hope”) (Literal, 2013; Editorial Germinal, 2015); Espuma sobre las piedras (“Foam on the stones”), with choreography by Alejandra Garavito (Catafixia, 2014); Miss muñecas vudu (“Miss voodoo dolls”) (Editorial Germinal, 2015); Hola Gravedad! (“Hello gravity!”) (hochroth Verlag, 2016); Nuevo Manual de Procedimientos para una Educación Sentimental 1 (“New manual of procedures for sentimental education 1”), with illustrations by Bernabé Arévalo (YAXS, 2017); No Budu Please (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2018; translated by Urayoán Noel); Qué haré con mi lugar en el cielo (Toronto Biennial of Art, 2019), in collaboration with artist Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa, and translated by Urayoán Noel as What Will I Do with My Place in the Sky; as well as Cómo se hace un relámpago (“How to make lightning”) (Municipal School of Art of Guatemala City, 2019). In addition to poetry, he has collaborated in dance, visual arts, music, and artistic action.