
Poetry & Nature

Poetry about the environment and natural world, including poems about seasons, animals, and climate change, as well as traditions like pastoral poetry and ecopoetry.

Showing 1-20 of 40 results
  • Events
    Poetry FoundationmapMarker
    Poetry and portraiture provide a rare view into contemporary Mexican American women’s equestrian performance in this exhibition.
    Portrait of a woman with a gray hat, wearing a blue dress, both with flowers, appears against a yellow background.
  • Poem
    By Ada Limón
    On my way to the fertility clinic,
             I pass five dead animals.

    First a raccoon with all four paws…
  • Poem
    By Andrew Frisardi
    The city lies back in its winding-sheet
    While little digits drum a steady beat

    On roofs and terraces, …
  • Poem
    By William Olsen
    Observation isn’t serious play. It is living serious. Same heron. It’s used to us, we are as twilight…
  • Collection
    By Forrest Gander

    “Be wet with a decent happiness.”

    Cover image for "EcoPoetry and Water"
  • Poem
    By Don Domanski
    clouds creak in the sky
    herons creak in the sky. 
    the dark approaches itself
    from all sides once again…
  • Poem
    By Maya Khosla
    Water minus air becomes wound.
    Her blowhole, bursts of breathing,
    trapped in an endless curtain of netting…
  • Glossary Terms
    Classically, an idyll is a pastoral poem about shepherds. In more contemporary contexts, an idyll is often seen as similar to a pastoral or descriptive poem depicting a peaceful, idealized, rural scene or setting. It often celebrates the beauty of nature, rural life, and the harmony that can be found between people and the natural world. Idylls typically evoke a sense of tranquility and nostalgia, as well as a longing for a simpler, rural way of life.Well-known historical examples of the idyll include…
  • Poem
    By Erin Belieu
    Morning thick with inscrutable dinge;
    another season drained. I’m watching
    the pest control man fill the rat bait
    station, black attaché of poison hidden
    in the hedge.
                    And while I pay a monthly
    bill for him to do my killing, still
    it seems miraculous, how much insists
  • Glossary Terms
    A poem that retreats from the trappings of modernity to the imagined virtues and romance of nature and rural life.
  • Glossary Terms
    Ecopoetics places emphasis on drawing connections between human activity—specifically the writing of poems—and the environment that produces it. It arose out of the increasing awareness of ecology and concerns over environmental disaster in the late twentieth century.
  • Poem
    By Emily Brontë
    O transient voyager of heaven!
    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ O silent sign of winter skies!
    What adverse wind thy sail has driven
    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ To dungeons where a prisoner lies?

    Methinks the hands that shut the sun
    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠So sternly from this morning's brow
    Might still their rebel task have done
    ⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠ And checked a thing...
  • Poem
    By J. V. Cunningham
    I am no shepherd of a child’s surmises.
    I have seen fear where the coiled serpent rises,

    Thirst where the grasses burn in early May
    And thistle, mustard, and the wild oat stay.

    There is dust in this air. I saw in the heat
  • Poem
    By Tracy K. Smith
    200 cows         more than 600 hilly acres

                property would have been even larger
    had J not sold 66 acres to DuPont for
                    waste from its Washington Works factory
    where J was employed        
  • Poem
    By Roque Salas Rivera
    the wing of the sea is the wave;
    the wave of the sky is the rain;
    the salt of the rain falls as hail;
    and the hail of hate rains in shots;

    the shot of the soul is the bell;
    bell without time is the...

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