November 2020
Assaf EvronChase BerggrunA person can’t leave their
own body. A writer can’t
leave language behind.
We have to move within our
confines, even though it’s
sometimes—to inhabit them.
- Lukas Bacho
- Marilyn Chin
- syan jay
- Daniel Ruiz
- Alison C. Rollins
From this Issue
If you play me then you
Play yourself. That was
All the dead needed
To say. To get the better
Of time, we got better
With time. I left my body
And took on the look
Of a man. I made him
An honest woman.
A diagram of this
If you play me then you
Play yourself. That was
All the dead needed
To say. To get the better
Of time, we got better
With time. I left my body
And took on the look
Of a man. I made him
An honest woman.
A diagram of this
as cousins surrounding my ankles. We turn,
become sheep herded in ancestral forest while
chasing each other, evolving shadow under
ch’ígoná’áí as thunder rolls from sky’s hands
downward, waiting to swallow precious
dlǫ’dichiné into its bruising maw, way below—
dził bitł’ááhgee. We agree our mouths into
become sheep herded in ancestral forest while
chasing each other, evolving shadow under
ch’ígoná’áí as thunder rolls from sky’s hands
downward, waiting to swallow precious
dlǫ’dichiné into its bruising maw, way below—
dził bitł’ááhgee. We agree our mouths into
One afternoon a wet half-moon
on the terrain below my lip:
mouth-blades splitting flesh
to immortalize desire, sheets soiled
after the digging. I never knew
ink could...
on the terrain below my lip:
mouth-blades splitting flesh
to immortalize desire, sheets soiled
after the digging. I never knew
ink could...

Table of Contents
- Alison C. Rollins
- syan jay
- Lukas Bacho
- Maxine Scates
- Leah Umansky
- Holly Corfield Carr
- Jane Huffman
- Vanessa Stauffer
- Kazim Ali
- Edward Mayes
- Ever Jones
- Maria Hummel
- Judy Brown
- David Baker
- Brendan Constantine
- Yomi Folaranmi
- Daniel Ruiz
Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize
- avery r. young
- Chase Berggrun
- Dorothy Chan