
March 2024

Cover Artist: Carlo Cadenas

Time is a body
that resembles
a sound without a scale.

 Alison C. Rollins
  • Salima Rivera
  • Anaïs Deal-Márquez
  • Lawrence Joseph
  • Tayi Tibble
  • Yuri Andrukhovych
Table of Contents

From this Issue

By Petra Kuppers
Welcome, dear somanauts. Let’s go on a journey together. And as we get going, we’ll think about ways in which we can protect ourselves, and prepare ourselves for our journey. And to do this, I invite you to take a breath, in your nest where you are right now,
By Beth Ann Fennelly
reveals itself in retrospect. Unlike the first,
whose March arrival bade you gasp, hands clasped,
like a child actor instructed to show joy, when the last
departs for points south, there’s no telling,
and no tell. Well, so what? You know their cycle.
In August,...
By Jason Adam Sheets
hand, milk, mama,
in that order in
the shape of a Hand—

          a square in the bucket a
          corner in the square
          clang tin a shiny song—

pink cup, coffee, urn,
in that order in
the shape of a House—
Holiday Special tote and gift of Poetry Magazine

Table of Contents

Holiday Special gift tote and Poetry bundle