Image of poetry foundation cover July 1999

July 1999

Michael Triegel, "The Dream (Ovid X)," 1996.
  • Bart Baxter
  • W. Bolton
  • Neal Bowers
  • Sigman Byrd
  • Elizabeth Chapman
Table of Contents

From this Issue



Immigrant Picnic

It's the Fourth of July, the flags
are painting the town,
the plastic forks and knives
are laid out like a parade.

And I'm grilling, I've got my apron,
I've got potato salad, macaroni, relish,
I've got a hat shaped   
like the state of Pennsylvania.

I ask my...


Nimis Compos Mentis

The paper table cloth was tastefully bleak,
The misty morning light shone on his cheek,
And made him look alone and masculine.

He talked of Seneca and bad translations,
Of modern critics' lightweight observations;
A bread crumb rested sweetly on his chin.

Behind him, through the...
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Table of Contents

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