
May 2014

Kate McQuillen, "Torch," 2013
  • Jessica Greenbaum
  • Joshua Mehigan
  • Bob Hicok
  • Tom Sleigh
  • Jacob Saenz
Table of Contents

From this Issue



From "DRIFT"

The fair wind failed. The wind dropped. Winds were unfavourable
straightaway. The favourable wind dropped and they were beset by
storms so that they made little progress. Then the wind dropped and
they were beset by winds from the north...


The Fair

The fair rolled into town surprisingly
intact, like a plate unbreakable because
it has been dropped and glued so many times
that it is all glue and no plate. The fair
was no fair. But, oh, it was a thrill!

The fair...


For a Traveler

I only have a moment so let me tell you the shortest story,
about arriving at a long loved place, the house of friends in Maine,
their lawn of wildflowers, their grandfather clock and candid
portraits, their gabled attic rooms, and woodstove in...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March