was, according to Virgil, always a fickle, unstable thing. Woman. Wyf. Merger of wife and man. To indicate: not-girl. Not-yet-claimed, not-yet weeping. And aren’t they often weeping? The mother, tearing her hair out, running toward the battle lines, filling heaven...
Today four little robins left the nest and flew away. I turn time to a month ago and see their nest growing over my home’s lamp stick by stick beat by beat song by song. I turn to yesterday and see their sunlit wings lifting from the nest leaving shadows with...
It’s New Year’s. It’s New Year’s & the stars are white-hot & all your favorite dishes are flushed warm on the island: tteokguk for fortune, knife-cut noodles for longevity, persimmon pudding & a tin can of sardines. The nectarines are in season in our...
Crip (noun): slang for a disabled person/the whole of the disabled community/ a school of thought Example: “I’m on crip time” Meaning: Time bends differently when the universe that is my body dictates it
the sac itself wasclear and I cleaned itlike a window and in the windowsaw my baby our baby[birdlike mouth opennasalarea still oversizedlike a beak]eye’s aperture blue-black head thrownbackand twisted beginning to separateneck brok en in the contractions’violencetwo arms two legstailbone translucent... [whatcolor is the baby?]silent heart [sac contains“chorionic cavity”] with utmost tendernessI...
my doctor named this weeping. a month of quartered lemon slices sucked from skin. a month of ibuprofen in a deathless wound. red raspberry leaves ground in green capsule, slosh in jars of diluted vinegar. so many tricks to braid the blood. clouds of swaddled ply...