was, according to Virgil, always a fickle, unstable thing. Woman. Wyf. Merger of wife and man. To indicate: not-girl. Not-yet-claimed, not-yet weeping. And aren’t they often weeping? The mother, tearing her hair out, running toward the battle lines, filling heaven...
Over and back, the long waves crawl and track the sand with foam; night darkens and the sea takes on that desperate tone of dark that wives put on when all their love is done.
Over and back, the tangled thread falls slack, over and up and on; over and...
I know not what to do— My mind is reft. Is song's gift best? Is love's gift loveliest? I know not what to do, Now sleep has pressed Weight on your eyelids.
Shall I break your rest, Devouring, eager? Is love's gift best?— Nay, song's the loveliest. Yet, were you lost, What...
Over Skype, I try to document my mother’s bald-shaved youth—she has a surplus in truths, and science has proven what it had to prove: every helicopter-screech I dreamed of was my mother’s first. Rippling my dumb hand, I wake up in childhood’s crypt, where prayer...
Hunger like her mama
Most strong in White gaze as in
a Cowbird’s flirtation
Sprouted in eyes to tongues
to bellies pregnant with stolen milk
to restless hands
These fingernails filled with Black body,
Days of rain. The drey outside my window would keel and the wind would plunder. My heart was valent with possibility: I could be anyone now, half woman, half asterism. Fragmental as a new year. Patron saint of the rutilant and cindering. I could...
Someone tells me the earth and everything in it will belong to me if I catch the horizon before sundown. I sprint, kicking up dust all the while. It seems I run with everyone in the world standing on my kidneys, eating my head. What’s...
Geryon was a monster everything about him was red Put his snoutsnout This image, suggestive of an animal such as a boar, may allude to Geryon’s father, Chrysaor (Khrysaor), sometimes depicted as a winged boar. Chrysaor is the brother of...
Then he met Herakles and the kingdoms of his life all shifted down a few notches. They were two superior eels at the bottom of the tank and they recognized each other like italics. Geryon was going into...
We have forgotten Paris, and his fate. We have not much inquired If Menelaus from the Trojan gate Returning found the long desired Immortal beauty by his hearth. Then late,
Late, long past the morning hour, Could even she recapture from the dawn The young delightful love?...
If a Legend from fell through a Prizm joyriding Mustangs Aethon and Phlegon half of California? spent in engines could raise ocean temps then should we say
Clouds began to smoke and made therewith so dry from pastures Corn combusted Folk burnt New deserts arose
Athos, Taurus Helicon Haemus Parnassus, Eryx Rhodope and its ski trails Mycale, Cithaeron the snowcapped...
The hotel showers were splendidly profligate. The aqueduct that fed the big fountains down the street probably ran underneath my bed, giving the water pressure a nice bump. These were veritable circuses of water: crowds pleased to see, qua the wonders of Roman hydraulic engineering, water shatter...