Ask me if I speak for the snail and I will tell you I speak for the snail. speak of underneathedness and the welcome of mosses, of life that springs up, little lives that pull back and wait for a moment.
stripped batting of cloud glimpsed ligaments dusk coming up under lithographic, nib-hatchings instruments click the fine-sprung locust replicate dinge along hill-lines tailings of umber, the rust smudge There is still that hemmed ocean of oaks the various reds, the somehow silver cast over the...
Verde que te quiero verde. Verde viento. Verdes ramas. El barco sobre la mar y el caballo en la montaña. Con la sombra en la cintura, ella sueña en su baranda verde carne, pelo verde, con ojos de fría plata. Verde que te quiero verde. Bajo la luna gitana, las...
On the fifth day the scientists who studied the rivers were forbidden to speak or to study the rivers. The scientists who studied the air were told not to speak of the air, and the ones who worked for the farmers were silenced, and the ones who worked...
Hunger like her mama
Most strong in White gaze as in
a Cowbird’s flirtation
Sprouted in eyes to tongues
to bellies pregnant with stolen milk
to restless hands
These fingernails filled with Black body,
Green I want you green green wind green branches Boat on the sea and horse on the mountain Shadow on her waist she dreams at her railing green flesh green hair eyes of cold silver Green I want you green Under the gypsy moon things are seeing her but she can’t...
This this will it always be, and why To ever argue for: here walking In its life, or sprawled, or loitering Down shallow valleys of the lawn: The trees that are there The pigeon bobbing through Its fallowgray ellipse of ground— The comfort of this ground Is physical:...
And the light, a wakened heyday of air Tuned low and clear and wide, A radiance now that would emblaze And veil the most golden horn Or any entering of a sudden clearing To a standing, astonished, revealed . . .