in the DMZ ravines north of the Kaesong wastes edging south of the perfect ruler’s pink and prisoned paradisethere is a climate paying no attention to us where cranes repopulate serpentine deltas
stripped batting of cloud glimpsed ligaments dusk coming up under lithographic, nib-hatchings instruments click the fine-sprung locust replicate dinge along hill-lines tailings of umber, the rust smudge There is still that hemmed ocean of oaks the various reds, the somehow silver cast over the...
In springtime, chief of all seasons, in May when new joys rise and flourish, the sun is lord and messenger at once and sends down to us to rouse our bodies and be merry: humankind to...
On the fifth day the scientists who studied the rivers were forbidden to speak or to study the rivers. The scientists who studied the air were told not to speak of the air, and the ones who worked for the farmers were silenced, and the ones who worked...
This this will it always be, and why To ever argue for: here walking In its life, or sprawled, or loitering Down shallow valleys of the lawn: The trees that are there The pigeon bobbing through Its fallowgray ellipse of ground— The comfort of this ground Is physical:...