A sudden blow: the great wings beating still Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill, He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.
How can those terrified vague fingers push The feathered glory from her...
A las cinco de la tarde. Eran las cinco en punto de la tarde. Un niño trajo la blanca sábana a las cinco de la tarde. Una espuerta de cal ya prevenida a las cinco de la tarde. Lo demás era muerte...
In the hiding hour of autophagy ghosts hang out all day and talk to us. An archival haunting demanding tribute: half a lime for breakfast every day. بشرٌ يئنّونَ من الألمِ human voices keening in pain تُشعلُ أجسادَهُمَ النارُ their bodies, consumed by fire light up the...
Days of rain. The drey outside my window would keel and the wind would plunder. My heart was valent with possibility: I could be anyone now, half woman, half asterism. Fragmental as a new year. Patron saint of the rutilant and cindering. I could...
Lately, my friends ask me, out of love, have I written about my mother, who suffers under the storm of Alzheimer’s disease, and I tell them, “I don’t write about my family, never directly, at least.” To write this poem seems so
if there is a river more beautiful than this bright as the blood red edge of the moon if i can conjure such radiance and safety as expressed shelter then my task as woman will be quenched.
yes, moon, yes, calendar if there is a river that will cleanse my generous innermost abyss, then...
But how could Arthur go, clutching his tiny lily, with his eyes shut up so tight and the roads deep in snow? I don’t know how Arthur could go with just a lily, no parka or boots. Elizabeth’s question would follow over the years, even after she’d...
Lacquer can be black or deep orange. A natsume, both a personal item and a high ranking tea utensil for tea powder, was named after its resemblance to the jujube. I have a plastic one I...
Over the mirrors meant To glass the opulent The sea-worm crawls—grotesque, slimed, dumb, indifferent. Yes, in disaster’s aftermath, court is not royal accommodation, more, the verb to court, courting disaster on titanic liners or inside houses built on stilts along the salty coasts. Over the mirrors meant to reflect the...