I pass the feeder and yell, Grackle party! And then an hour later I yell, Mourning dove afterparty! (I call the feeder the party and the seed on the ground the afterparty.) I am getting so good at watching that...
Every wife must apologize for not being her husband’s mother? But he will not forgive you. The absence of his mother's kiss is the scar of repeated wounding. He marries you too young, before he littered his seeds along the road. This is why he...
Verde que te quiero verde. Verde viento. Verdes ramas. El barco sobre la mar y el caballo en la montaña. Con la sombra en la cintura, ella sueña en su baranda verde carne, pelo verde, con ojos de fría plata. Verde que te quiero verde. Bajo la luna gitana, las...
I turn on the radio and hear voices, girls becoming women after tragedy. Talk about dreams! His heart was covered in a thin shell the color of moon and when touched, I grew old. The best movies have a philosophy...
Hunger like her mama
Most strong in White gaze as in
a Cowbird’s flirtation
Sprouted in eyes to tongues
to bellies pregnant with stolen milk
to restless hands
These fingernails filled with Black body,
I think there was a movie once where Frankenstein fell in love with a vampire. A small mummy at first interfered but later provided the requisite necessary clarifications. He can only meet you at night. Her face is scarred in a permanent expression of doom, but her...
Green I want you green green wind green branches Boat on the sea and horse on the mountain Shadow on her waist she dreams at her railing green flesh green hair eyes of cold silver Green I want you green Under the gypsy moon things are seeing her but she can’t...
Things happen when you drink too much mescal. One night, with not enough food in my belly, he kept on buying. I’m a girl who’ll fall damn near in love with gratitude and, well, he was hot and generous and so the least that I...
The truth is that no man has taken anything I didn’t give him. I mean, no man has taken anything I claimed as my own. My body, my stink, my land to plant in. It’s never been about the price of lettuce. How many...
When Cleopatra received Antony on her cedarwood ship, she made sure he would smell her in advance across the sea: perfumed sails, nets sagging with rosehips and crocus draped over her bed, her feet and hands rubbed in almond oil, cinnamon, and henna. I...
Someone tells me the earth and everything in it will belong to me if I catch the horizon before sundown. I sprint, kicking up dust all the while. It seems I run with everyone in the world standing on my kidneys, eating my head. What’s...
I feel like I feel like shit I need a I need a drink and not vinegar neither I don’t want to die I feel like a freak don’t let me cut out I wasn’t cut out to go out virgin I want my cherry squashed man hammer amour love me live me hour to...