I pass the feeder and yell, Grackle party! And then an hour later I yell, Mourning dove afterparty! (I call the feeder the party and the seed on the ground the afterparty.) I am getting so good at watching that...
He was jailed for cruelty to insects, and his agent wasn’t answering the phone, so he stayed awake in the cell all night, pictures jumping around his head of the cops and the blowdryer they took as evidence. He used...
“You can’t kiss a movie,” Jean-Luc Godard said, and this is mostly true, in that you cannot initiate the kiss. The Movie could initiate the kiss if The Movie wanted, as it is so much taller, leaning in, no way...
Mama said “wedding crowns,” and I looked at the tight bouquets, dark white, forbidding, portraits of ancient weddings, too serious, the groom stiff, the bride boxed, like a doll, adorned with rhinestones. The brides of the orchards crossing the entire lettuce...
Pasaban murciélagos, prendidos a la ropa de las vacas, las gacelas; cuando pude quité alguno. Y otros, más domésticos, colgaron en la cocina con la cabeza para abajo; papá les daba vino, cigarrillos. Las mujeres, más ilusas, poníamos rosas y alhelíes,...
When I was six years old, eight years old, my grandmother decreed a garment of hare, which would ward off all evil. And, so, she made a coat of hare fur and took in the seams, and, inside, tucked pencils...
Cuando tenía seis años, ocho años, la abuela dictaminó vestido de liebre, que me librase de todo mal. Y, entonces, hizo un sacón de piel de liebre y lo ajustó, y, adentro, puso lápices y libros. Al alba, antes, en la...
The bats arrived, attached to the coats of calves, gazelles; when I could, I plucked one off. And others, tamer, hung in the kitchen with their heads upside down; papa gave them wine, cigarettes. The women, dreamier, set out roses and...
Mamá decía “coronas de novia,” y yo miraba los racimos apretados, de un blanco oscuro, adusto, retratos de antiguas bodas, demasiado serias, el novio tieso, la novia en caja, como una muñeca, con adornos de strass. Las novias de los huertos...
I turn on the radio and hear voices, girls becoming women after tragedy. Talk about dreams! His heart was covered in a thin shell the color of moon and when touched, I grew old. The best movies have a philosophy...
Because I should’ve wrote this years ago, I’m crying. So what my slow failure pass the years Make me be crying. So what in Bethlehem I tried to push so much against it, where the Wall is checkpoint...