But I love the I, steel I-beam that my father sold. They poured the pig iron into the mold, and it fed out slowly, a bending jelly in the bath, and it hardened, Bessemer, blister, crucible, alloy, and he marketed it, and bought bourbon, and...
Eventually my stepfather grew tired of his exile in the basement and left. She wept and begged him not to go but he packed his Hummingbird guitar and soldering irons and moved in with a woman he’d met at the corner store. And my mother took...
my mother tells me, and proceeds to elaborate at gruesome length. But don’t all gods and heroes get off to a rocky start? Young Theseus thrashed in his fish shack, Zeus sent abroad to avoid being lunch for his dad. I am twelve and obsessed with...
So I lean back & Redford asks, “Water warm enough?” & I don’t answer because I’m holding my breath. I don't know why he asks. He never uses the faucet to shampoo my afro—just an old clay jar. Redford fills the jar at the...
I did not deserve to be beaten, and I did not deserve ballet lessons–– except insofar as everyone deserves ballet lessons. Me mum thought I was well worth beating. She would not have thought that I deserved to starve. I deserved the milk in her...