I see you, peeping Tom, beside yourself with rage at what I done did, hands gone idle from deprivation. I see you, Uncle, with your fingers at the trapdoor, to place crumbs of a biscuit at my mouth in the dark. Through a hole the size of a...
I am a product of my time. Time is a body that resembles a sound without a scale. Forever foreclosed fortitude. In heaven, the dinner bell rings as elegy. The porch-light stars turn on their mothering moths. Betrayal takes at least two, and wherever two or more are gathered, I am...
a muted longing for a being of elsewhere without a boundary or a body like a ball to throw me around in a pig skin of public parts of policies zero privacies of every body gets a turn to frisk me of numbered bodies & trophied bodies & saturated bodies...
I’ll keep this brief. I remember the shock of Mr. G’s tiger-striped trunks at the Madras Gymkhana Club. Nothing to conceal, everything to declare, like a Mills & Boon hero. Shiver of ball and sack, acres of hairy scrub. We could not imagine...
This far north the sun rises and sinks in the same spot. Insects announce the apocalypse and fog moves through all the uncountable hours like a bright gray scar. The forest is awash in a dial of light more luminiferous than a Canaletto. I misuse the words forest, woodland, jungle because I...
The United Negro Improvement Association, he says, his little bloodshot eyes looking out of the dark shadows of his overhanging black brow. His eyebrows quizzical, halfway to a smile. And over them,...
I surrender my weapons: Catapult Tears, Rain-Cloud Hat, Lip Zip, Brittle Coat, Taut Teeth in guarded rows. Pluck this plate of armor from my ear, drop it in the Amnesty Bin, watch my sadness land among the dark shapes of memory.
Unarmed, now see me saunter past Ticking Baggage,...
*Ofury-bedecked!O glitter-torn!Let the wild wind erectbonbonbonanzas; junipers affectfrostyfreeze turbans; iciclestuff adornall cuckolded creation in a madcap crown of horn!It’s a new day; no scapegrace of a secttidying up the ashtrays playing Daughter-in-Law Elect;bells! bibelots! popsicle cigars! shatter the glassware! a...
Cherry plums suck a week’s soak, overnight they explode into the scenery of before your touch. The curtains open on the end of our past. Pink trumpets on the vines bare to the hummingbirds. Butterflies unclasp from the purse of their couplings, they light and...
My stylist calls me darling, says Hi I’m Dee, and asks what I’d like today, smiling. My hair back, I tell her, my precious locks, thick and unruly and glossy as they were before I was fleeced.
Her laughter as she switches the clippers on, brings back that...
I seem to wake and sleep ambiguously, to see and misconceive, to feel on the brink of something that doesn’t end, beauty that is more than beautiful, meaning that is...