I pass the feeder and yell, Grackle party! And then an hour later I yell, Mourning dove afterparty! (I call the feeder the party and the seed on the ground the afterparty.) I am getting so good at watching that...
Love is boring and passé, all that old baggage, the bloody bric-a-brac, the bad, the gothic, retrograde, obscurantist hum and drum of it needs to be swept away. So, night after night, we sit in the dark of the Roxy beside grandmothers with their shanks...
Over and back, the long waves crawl and track the sand with foam; night darkens and the sea takes on that desperate tone of dark that wives put on when all their love is done.
Over and back, the tangled thread falls slack, over and up and on; over and...
Over Skype, I try to document my mother’s bald-shaved youth—she has a surplus in truths, and science has proven what it had to prove: every helicopter-screech I dreamed of was my mother’s first. Rippling my dumb hand, I wake up in childhood’s crypt, where prayer...
reveals itself in retrospect. Unlike the first, whose March arrival bade you gasp, hands clasped, like a child actor instructed to show joy, when the last departs for points south, there’s no telling, and no tell. Well, so what? You know their cycle. In August,...
A woman leans against a man who leans against a brick wall watching cars stop like dead men on this one-way street. Some dude glares like O-Dog from Menace, his face towards some street we'll never remember where a man...
“Anyway, it isn’t forever,” Chris said, “eventually you’re dead.” And we laughed
Besides, everything is better now. Not us but implants, blenders, children, heart attacks. There’s never been a better time to be alive than when you are. If you are. Black-throated blue warbler says chewchewchewchewchewww drawing...
Days of rain. The drey outside my window would keel and the wind would plunder. My heart was valent with possibility: I could be anyone now, half woman, half asterism. Fragmental as a new year. Patron saint of the rutilant and cindering. I could...
God come on stop cutting me out of your photos God stop dragging the mouse around my shopworn body like a chalk outline then clicking fill with background God I know
that times are tight I know you only made one death per person I’m sorry to...
Someone wheeled me to the curb. A different friend helped me into a car. We got to the condo and managed to get me down the stairs, into the living room, where I fell asleep on a mattress we put...
Under which she pruned the peach trees and a tiny gateway opened in her spine. That pain distilled there like a drop of molten glass. And was the first of many chambers to form.
There was her bedroom, where she bloomed in the white fog of sleep and so...
I may take offense, may still your tongue And your fickle ax willowing spastically During unpredictable weather events. As sure as the influence of big Cat.4’s Can be felt in hair, almost like a weighted Scent sinks itself deep into your lungs.