& Memphis is out in Full Fang! Skeletons skip down our pitted streets. Whole families with matching hobo stipple roam tragicomically through the sprawling candy deserts: polka-dot bandanas on sticks, flapping Chaplinesque shoes.
Unclaimed pumpkins pile high behind razor wire. The air's thick with caw & trouble. Our...
dort, wo die stadt versickert, beim bahndamm, jenseits der in ihrer pracht erstarrten, riesigen zikade des umspannwerkes, siehst du sie: gebraucht, getürmt, ein ganzes feld, gezackt oder gewellt die maserung in jedem bauch
und dunkler als sämtliche rembrandts zusammen: gummiakropolis, heiligtum des banalen—im herbst berennt es der sturm, erduldet...
where the city starts to come undone, at the railroad embankment, beyond the staunch colossal cicada of the substation in its splendor, you start to notice: used up, towering, a field of them, worn or rippled texture in each paunch
Crip (noun): slang for a disabled person/the whole of the disabled community/ a school of thought Example: “I’m on crip time” Meaning: Time bends differently when the universe that is my body dictates it
Late night sounds and smells entice and we prowl like cats thru Pilsen sidewalks and alleys. The dank night breeze scatters paper and other debris like malignant leaves through mucky gutters. Tiny shards of glass glitter like cheap costume jewelry under the harsh sodium street light turning weedy vacant...
Naturally, broken glass, throbbing bass, a roll of bills and a paper bag passed between the hands of hustlers. Just as true: the rows of corn planted by the family at the end of the street. Even in this leaded...
A woman leans against a man who leans against a brick wall watching cars stop like dead men on this one-way street. Some dude glares like O-Dog from Menace, his face towards some street we'll never remember where a man...