1. If a house is haunted like a radio is haunted If a body is a radio of blood If a body of ghosts hums like blood over a valley of bone If blood is a...
this is what they will not tell you and this is what you must know if you hear nothing else i say hear this you cannot live in fear you cannot heal in fear fear will never make you stronger
fear is the language many doctors speak they’ll...
If a jar of jelly is $2.98 & a loaf of Hawaiian bread is $4 Then how much bail money will I need when I kill everyone in my house for eating all the bread and jelly in 5 minutes?
I feel middle class when I'm in love. I think it's all the poached eggs on bird-seed bread, staying up all night on Zoopla—imagine waking under cottage beams, the laughter in a garden. Kids. A little boy with gold hair keeps standing in my dreams.
exeunt my heart, evangelical god, for you are still frosted and feathered somewhere in the eighties, still fed with the fates of fetuses, “fairies,” and the virginities of fatherless girls. you inhabited...
This carpetbagging, gentrifying Aryan mother’s son cut through our neighborhood buying houses. Called himself a community developer, clipped all the live edges and liberty neat and bound for himself and his posterity. Declaration of Independence just doing what it do. And he was pursuing...
You know sleep will dart beyond your grasp. Its edges crude and merciless. You will clutch at straws, wandering the cold, peopled rooms of the Internet, desperate for any fix. A vapor of faith. An amply paid gig, perhaps, for simply having an earnest heart...
overcome by the stink of mildewed wash, i have been three months behind in my rent for thirty years. my countrymen do not love me. even my lines have lines. we are getting old in a city where the old are invisible. i have...
On the telly, hundreds of Moscow denizens are pulling down the statue of Felix Dzerzhinsky, the father of the KGB, while an American reporter intones that what we're seeing is the Death of Communism celebration, that great day when the Russian people found out that nobody...