White cloud letters P O E T R Y on a blue background. Birds and people wearing yellow fly through them

January 2022

Cover artist: Haein Kim/Canvas

have I mentioned I’ve forgotten
            words and places one by one

 Daniel Moysaenko
  • Marissa Davis
  • Kay Ulanday Barrett
  • Michael Dowdy
  • Christine Imperial
  • David A. Reyes
Table of Contents

From this Issue

By C. E. Janecek
I vowed to give a rabbit religion, a weight to match
her bulk in my prepubescent arms. Sunlight illuminating
her ears like church windows: pink pulse, spider veins,
the altar’s velvet. When you hold a rabbit like a child...
By Nathalie Koble & Cole Swensen
despite and still

Sur une terrasse de bord de mer, été
Lumière du matin. Vent insolite pour la saison...
POETRY 5 for 15 Web Homepage 2340x376

Table of Contents

POETRY 5 for 15 Web Homepage 1080x1080