June2024 poetry cover

June 2024

Cover Artist: Lynne Yun at Space Type

The poets have emerged!
The poets have emerged!

 Joe Carrick-Varty
  • Isabela Agosa
  • Edward Salem
  • Jackie Sabbagh
  • Ahn Joo Cheol
  • Kwame Dawes
Table of Contents

From this Issue



Prodigal Daughter

By Erika L. Sánchez
Every day is yesterday 
& like the loneliness 
of water, I have always 
existed. My body brackets
a quiver in a world that doesn’t 
love us. Despite the tyrants, 
the “I” is forever 
insatiable. Alone in Spain once, 
I ran out of money & 
for days ate nothing
but eggs....



By Patricia Guzman
First spring rain and I can’t begin a line like this again
without remembering  you were here this time last year.

When I think of  being a mother, my mind goes blank
like a mountain. How little I know about things that grow

By Jackson Holbert
My mother was around
all the time back then, always walking
in and out of rooms carrying stacks
of  laptop computers. She spent most
of  her daylight hours blowing dust
out of circuits, fans, motherboards, daughterboards.
Sometimes her little canister would die
and she’d have to use her mouth.
My father was gone all day
every day…
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Hard Feelings
Square R3 March