p1As a child, I knew nothing about griefBy Rasaq Malik Gbolahanuntil the clock of my grandmother’s body stopped working & her remainswere lowered into the earth on… Related Audio LivingDeathSorrow & GrievingGrief
p1Gratification to the survivors of daily damnationsBy Oladejo Abdullah FeranmiThanks to the clouds on fire, the burning sunset, and every diminishing as beautiful as time. Thanks… Related Audio Gratitude
p1Things not to do to a grieving motherBy Kaylee ChengDo not tell her that Grandma is watching her from above. She is not religious. (And nervous about the…LivingDeathGrief
p1Dispatch from the Edge of the UniverseBy Lesley YoungeThe first timeI tell someone I’ve thought aboutending itis right after the first timesomeone tells me… Related Audio LivingHealth & IllnessThe MindMelancholy & Despair
p1Universal TruthsBy Shira Haus I prayed for my friend to live and he didn’t. I held his puffy hand, his heart jumping green on the… Related Audio LivingDeathGrief
Metamorphoses: The Female IntoBy Maggie Queeneylaurel tree, limbs bent and twined into crown heifer bank of marsh reeds,handful lashed into pipes, …Social CommentariesGender & SexualityMythology & FolkloreGreek & Roman MythologyAngerBlame
Glamour [The look I am hunting]By Maggie QueeneyThe look I am hunting: the onethat through color and cut glares the starer into a skull or a skeinof…LivingAngerAnxiety & Insecurity
Glamour [A corruption of grammar]By Maggie QueeneyA corruption of grammar—what knowledgeI have come by comes through the eyes To my hands—lightning runs…LivingAnxiety & Insecurity
exodus hong kongBy Xiao Yue Shan1listen carefully—there is land or there is water,and a time whereyou may mistake one for another.there…History & PoliticsThe MindMemory & NostalgiaActivitiesTravels & JourneysGrief
Untoward Occurrence at Embassy Suites Poetry ReadingBy Randall MannFirst I want to thank you all for coming,for standing so patiently in line.I know these are difficult…Social CommentariesRelationshipsFriends & EnemiesArts & SciencesPoetry & PoetsBlameDisappointment
a-ver-yBy avery r. younga•ver•y (ā ver'ē), n. dark(iss) ¹blk-male chile foundate(id) in luv unlimit(id) fuc(k) anthem(s). ²jee…Social CommentariesRace & EthnicityHistory & PoliticsArts & SciencesLanguage & LinguisticsAngerJoy & Contentment
Honour KillingBy Imtiaz DharkerAt last I’m taking off this coat, this black coat of a country that I swore for years was mine, that I wore more out of habit than design. Born...History & PoliticsLivingLife ChoicesOptimism
The Night Before My PiP Tribunal I See My DeadBy Karl KnightsYou left a note.‘Please don’t judge metoo harshly.’ I read itat your memorial.I hate that my voicedidn…LivingSorrow & GrievingThe BodyRelationshipsFriends & EnemiesAngerGrief
The Difference Between a Dog and a Biscuit TinBy Karl KnightsIt’s Boxing Day and I’m nearly ten and a half.I got the camouflaged Action Man for Christmas.I told …LivingYouthThe BodyRelationshipsFamily & AncestorsHome LifeAngerDisappointmentGrief + 2 more
After RiefenstahlBy Major JacksonThe screen's fabrications remain. A filmshot never fails, sailing through the centurylike a black V …The MindMemory & NostalgiaArts & SciencesPhotography & FilmPassion
Double FeatureBy Robert HaydenAt Dunbar, Castle or Arcadewe rode with the exotic sheikthrough deserts of erotic flowers;held in the…Social CommentariesPopular CultureLivingYouthActivitiesIndoor ActivitiesArts & SciencesPhotography & FilmJoy & Contentment + 2 more
The Vulture & the BodyBy Ada LimónOn my way to the fertility clinic, I pass five dead animals.First a raccoon with all four paws…NatureAnimalsLivingDeathParenthoodThe MindDoubt & ContemplationGrief
The Two-headed CalfBy Laura GilpinTomorrow when the farm boys find thisfreak of nature, they will wrap his bodyin newspaper and carry …NatureAnimalsLivingDeathBirthOptimism
p1Lay It BareBy Anders Carlson-WeeI know you’re hungry for it. More money. More news. Desperate for any laurel that parades you as happier… Related Audio Social CommentariesMoney & EconomicsLivingLife ChoicesMelancholy & Despair
p1Farmers’ MarketBy Molly FiskYesterday I was so lonely I could barely walk, my friend being mobbed by her grandchildren as we made…LivingRelationshipsFamily & AncestorsMelancholy & Despair