
January 2023

Cover Artist: Kane One
Language is never just about what is being said; it is also about how it is held.
 Tishani Doshi
  • Tishani Doshi
  • Sherwin Bitsui
  • Omotara James
  • Rick Barot
  • Megan Fernandes
Table of Contents

From this Issue

By Layla Benitez-James
Why is there (under this sea) always
an other sea? Scrolling through miles
of leopard-print bikinis, I wonder, could I go
“all out”? Just imagine where my cleavage should peak,
would peek from under—do I go for side or classic?
Which stretch marks will I...
By Sherwin Bitsui
In this unveiling: a rain-stabbed
blackbird’s obsidian sigh rises

from meat-fragrant slits
in our speech patterns,

where a way of seeing home,
smeared on walls with elbow blood,

is also a way of nozzling
bird caw to thieved land,

or scissoring fog-lobed night
into crescent moons,

while a bell’s deoxygenated...
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Table of Contents

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