You’ve never seen a lilac in Mississippi. Backstage you wear lotion laced with its chemical imitation. A ballet mistress says relevé always as command: lift onto the toe using only the heel. Your ankle’s bewilderment old as the horned owl gaze from your mother hunched in the...
Twelve years old and lovesick, bumbling and terrified for the first time in my life, but strangely hopeful, too, and stunned, definitely stunned—I wanted to cry, I almost started to sob when Chris Klein actually touched me—oh God—below the belt in the back row of the...
The water was so still I believed it would keep us right-side up forever there in that pool on a night so dim it looked like the negative of itself, with the friend I loved in high school, a boy (I thought they were a boy) who had also shed their...
Under the sagging clotheslines of crepe paper By the second string of teachers and wallflowers In the school gym across the key through the glitter Of mirrored light three-second rule forever Suspended you danced with her the best slow dancer Who stood on tiptoe who...
No seed. Flat beneath my hand: bone. Pelvis a field, but no seed. Because there was no punishment like fucking, its whip burned Adam and nothing after. Because shine took flight like two parrots so...
lady in brown de library waz right down from de trolly tracks cross from de laundry-mat thru de big shinin floors & granite pillars ol st. louis is famous for i found toussaint but not til after months uv cajun katie/ pippi longstockin christopher robin/ eddie...
I remember that first time: the empty auditorium, her voice, the dark all around us, her mouth reaching into mine. She was Freddy’s foxy older sister, and I didn’t know why she wanted to kiss me. She had already finished high school and probably shouldn’t have been walking the...
It seems insane now, but she’d be standing soaked in schoolday morning light, her loose-leaf notebook, flickering at the bus stop, and we almost trembled
at the thought of her mouth filled for a moment with both of our short names. I don’t know what we saw when we...
At the high school football game, the boys stroke their new muscles, the girls sweeten their lips with gloss that smells of bubblegum, candy cane, or cinnamon. In pleated cheerleader skirts they walk home with each other, practicing yells, their long bare legs forming in...
My father built a great worry around me like a dock Once I left it before I was finished And he remained with his great, empty worry. And my mother—like a tree on the shore Between her arms outstretched for me.
When I was one-and-twenty I heard a wise man say, “Give crowns and pounds and guineas But not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies But keep your fancy free.” But I was one-and-twenty, No use to talk to me.
Because this song’s made of the airwaves a time machine, you start to play the air guitar of memory, making a country so you can walk back into it, like a man on rewind in a silent film, his whiskey tumbler filling up again as...
on her profile i see she has 2 kids, now 1 she had in high school, now none at all. she unaborts 1. she is unpregnant in 8th grade. she unresembles her favorite pop singer Pink. she uncuts her hair, it pulls into her scalp from...
It chafed like some new skin we’d grown, or feathers, the cummerbund and starched collar pinching us to show how real this transformation into princes was, how powerful we’d grown by getting drivers’ licenses, how tall and total our new perspective, above that rusty keyhole parents...