You’ve never seen a lilac in Mississippi. Backstage you wear lotion laced with its chemical imitation. A ballet mistress says relevé always as command: lift onto the toe using only the heel. Your ankle’s bewilderment old as the horned owl gaze from your mother hunched in the...
I did not deserve to be beaten, and I did not deserve ballet lessons–– except insofar as everyone deserves ballet lessons. Me mum thought I was well worth beating. She would not have thought that I deserved to starve. I deserved the milk in her...
Here is the encyclopedia where I learn first position Here is where I begin ballet: at 12, in a class of 6-year-olds Here is where I get my period Here is where I substitute dance for childhood Here is studio “B” where I practice Here...
Under the sagging clotheslines of crepe paper By the second string of teachers and wallflowers In the school gym across the key through the glitter Of mirrored light three-second rule forever Suspended you danced with her the best slow dancer Who stood on tiptoe who...
Let's try it without the heavy breathing toward the end of the scene in the garden. It distracts, somehow. Just speak the words, there and elsewhere, as loudly or as quietly as they need to be spoken. Need in...
A much-needed swan song from Cain, blasting Father K’s bien-pensant ideology and everyone else in his path. A neoliberal trying to ingratiate himself with the construction worker and trustafarian alike, his argu- ments lighter performed as a he’s right, you Ingram....
It is generally believed that the writers had to make the most of a low budget and that this led to the grim determination of writing through restriction, bottle episodes, and constraints. In reality the show was generously bankrolled by...
But not before several undisputed stone-cold classics. This is why we keep writing about Cain: for all its self-indulgent flaws it just gets it so right sometimes. Every standard element is here: the gang is still drinking far too many...
One of Halberg’s more whimsical decisions: just when the action is coming to a head, attempt to pull off something formally innovative. “Underwritten? Lithe!” could have been a note to his detractors in this metaphorical on-screen corrections list. Each one of its...
Injured, sleep-deprived, sorely tested, Adah, Cain, and Father K are falsely imprisoned in a shallow cave with other unfortunates seeking refuge from their war-torn homeland. It is hard to blame the writers’ room if “Unlike All Other Empires” felt as cynical and...
An extremely hubristic, unflattering, and accurate self-portrait, this episode saw Halberg in direct conversa- tion with Cain, questioning his own methods. The passing allusion to Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin appears to reference Chapter 4, stanza XXXV: “But I myself read my bedizened /fancies,...
Ethics are learned from who you sleep with the first few times, and theater is sex, almost. Being in it, I mean, and being young, with a lot of group undressing and silence in darkness, chaste permissions of the cast party, spiked punch in the recreation...
When the mirror swings open, it calls me obscenely shapely. A ruby wing slaps the glass. Soft smear. Since, like the drowning trick in reverse, I learned to float
outside myself from a certain, mostly bearable height, I watch terror push its anthem into...