was, according to Virgil, always a fickle, unstable thing. Woman. Wyf. Merger of wife and man. To indicate: not-girl. Not-yet-claimed, not-yet weeping. And aren’t they often weeping? The mother, tearing her hair out, running toward the battle lines, filling heaven...
Because my mama lost her daddy when she was too young And she didn’t know how to hold her grief so she let it break Like waves against the inside of her skin until it was all worn Down trying to hold her...
You’ve never seen a lilac in Mississippi. Backstage you wear lotion laced with its chemical imitation. A ballet mistress says relevé always as command: lift onto the toe using only the heel. Your ankle’s bewilderment old as the horned owl gaze from your mother hunched in the...
Full of harmonies is the flight of birds. The green woods Have closed about the stiller huts at evening; The crystal meadows of the stag. Darkness soothes the plashing of the brook, the moist shadows
And the flowers of summer, ringing lovely in the...
Crip (noun): slang for a disabled person/the whole of the disabled community/ a school of thought Example: “I’m on crip time” Meaning: Time bends differently when the universe that is my body dictates it